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Fowler R., Guggenheim E. Statistical thermodynamics: A version of Statistical Mechanics for Students of Physics and Chemistry
Textbook. — Second Impression, with Corrections. — Cambridge (Eng.): University Press, 1956 — 701 p.: il.
На английском языке. Репринт (1956) второго издания (1949). Ральф Фаулер (Fowler Ralph Howard, 1889–1944) — английский физик-теоретик; Эдвард Гуггенгейм (Guggenheim Edward Armand, 1901–1970) — английский физико-химик. Имеется русский перевод первого английского издания (1939): Фаулер Р., Гуггенгейм Э. Статистическая термодинамика.
The title Statistical Thermodynamics could almost as well have been applied to the monograph 'Statistical Meckanic' (the theory of the properties of matter in equilibrium) by one of us, of which a second (enlarged) edition has recently been published. But it appeared to us that there were cogent reasons for preparing the present version of the theory in a form more suitable for the type of student whom we have in mind. 'Statistical Mechanics' contains considerable sections of purely astrophysical interest, and many passages devoted entirely to mathematical details of the proofs of the required theorems. Moreover, on many occasions it deliberately avoids the use of ordinary thermodynamic methods. For many students of Physics and Chemistry all these features are far from advantageous. We have therefore tried to present here a modified version of Statistical Mechanics, in which the theory is developed, as nearly as may be, parallel to Thermodynamics, so as to be complementary to a presentation of that subject. Mathematical details of proofs are taken for granted, and the applications confined to terrestrial physics and chemistry. At the same time we have attempted to keep the book up to date by including an account of progress made during the past three years.
The fundamental assumptions of statistical
The general theorems for assemblies of permanent systems
Permanent perfect gases
Chemical equilibria and evaporation. Nest's theorem
Grand partition functions and their applications
Imperfect gases
Liquids and solutions of non-electrolytes .
Solutions of electrolytes
Surface layers
Elementary electron theory of metals
Chemical kinetics
Lattice imperfections, order-disorder in crystals
Electric and magnetic properties
Сканированная копия, изображение ч/б + OCR-слой. — Качество файла: 6 — субъективная оценка по 10-бальной шкале.