Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2008. 216 p.:
[Enhanced e-Version]. Категория: Боевые/Полевые Уставы Армии США (U.S. Army's Field Manuals).
Расшифровка названия: Field Manual No. 3-0, Operations.
Перевод названия: Боевой/Полевой Устав [Армии США]: Боевые Действия [Операции].
Дата публикации: 27 февраля 2008 года.
Особенность: отсутствие сквозной нумерации страниц, т.е. библиографическое описание страниц таково: viii+22+14+22+10+22+20+14+8+4+14+14+6+(2)+(16)+(4)+(16).
Структура: титул, содержание, и проч. - 8 стр., текст устава - 132 стр., приложения к уставу - 38 стр., замечания, список источников и проч. - 38 стр.
Выпущен взамен: FM 3-0, Operations (14 June 2001). Foreword (William S. Wallace, General, U.S. Army; Commander, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command).
America is at war, and we live in a world where global terrorism and extremist ideologies are realities. The Army has analytically looked at the future, and we believe our Nation will continue to be engaged in an era of persistent conflict—a period of protracted confrontation among states, nonstate, and i ndividual actors increasingly willing to use violence to achieve their political and ideological ends.
The operational environment in which this persistent conflict will be waged will be complex, multidimensional, and increasingly fought among the people. Previously, we sought to separate people from the battlefield so that we could engage and destroy enemies and seize terrain. While we recognize our enduring requirement to fight and win, we also recognize that people are frequently part of the terrain and th eir support is a principal determinant of success in future conflicts.
This edition of FM 3-0, the first update since September 11, 2001, is a revolutionary departure from past doctrine. It de scribes an operational concept where commanders employ offensive, defensive, and stability or civil s upport operations simultaneously as part of an interdependent joint force to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative, accepting prudent risk to create opportunities to achieve decisive results. Just as the 1976 edition of FM 100-5 began to take the Army from the ri ce paddies of Vietnam to the battlefield of Weste Europe, this edition will take us into the 21st century urban battlefields among the people without losing our capabilities to domin ate the higher conventional end of the spectrum of conflict.
Ours is a doctrinally-based Army. FM 3-0 provides the intellectual underpinnings that lie at the core of how our Army will organize, train, equip, and conduct ope rations in this new environment. It recognizes that we will achieve victory in this changed environment of persistent conflict only by conducting military operations in concert with diplomatic, informational, and economic efforts. Battlefield success is no l onger enough; final victory requires concurrent stability operations to lay the foundation for lasting peace.
Although the strategic environment and operational concepts have changed, Soldiers remain the centerpiece and foundation of the Army—as they have been since 1775. These Soldiers are led by leaders proficient in their core competencies, suffici ently broad to adapt to conditions across the spectrum of conflict, and courageous enough to see enemy vulnerabilities and exploit opportunities in the challenges and complexities of our operating environments. As leaders, it is our obligation to understand and be proficient at employing Soldiers in full spectrum operations. We must read, study, understand, and implement the doctrine in FM 3-0.
[Enhanced e-Version]. Категория: Боевые/Полевые Уставы Армии США (U.S. Army's Field Manuals).
Расшифровка названия: Field Manual No. 3-0, Operations.
Перевод названия: Боевой/Полевой Устав [Армии США]: Боевые Действия [Операции].
Дата публикации: 27 февраля 2008 года.
Особенность: отсутствие сквозной нумерации страниц, т.е. библиографическое описание страниц таково: viii+22+14+22+10+22+20+14+8+4+14+14+6+(2)+(16)+(4)+(16).
Структура: титул, содержание, и проч. - 8 стр., текст устава - 132 стр., приложения к уставу - 38 стр., замечания, список источников и проч. - 38 стр.
Выпущен взамен: FM 3-0, Operations (14 June 2001). Foreword (William S. Wallace, General, U.S. Army; Commander, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command).
America is at war, and we live in a world where global terrorism and extremist ideologies are realities. The Army has analytically looked at the future, and we believe our Nation will continue to be engaged in an era of persistent conflict—a period of protracted confrontation among states, nonstate, and i ndividual actors increasingly willing to use violence to achieve their political and ideological ends.
The operational environment in which this persistent conflict will be waged will be complex, multidimensional, and increasingly fought among the people. Previously, we sought to separate people from the battlefield so that we could engage and destroy enemies and seize terrain. While we recognize our enduring requirement to fight and win, we also recognize that people are frequently part of the terrain and th eir support is a principal determinant of success in future conflicts.
This edition of FM 3-0, the first update since September 11, 2001, is a revolutionary departure from past doctrine. It de scribes an operational concept where commanders employ offensive, defensive, and stability or civil s upport operations simultaneously as part of an interdependent joint force to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative, accepting prudent risk to create opportunities to achieve decisive results. Just as the 1976 edition of FM 100-5 began to take the Army from the ri ce paddies of Vietnam to the battlefield of Weste Europe, this edition will take us into the 21st century urban battlefields among the people without losing our capabilities to domin ate the higher conventional end of the spectrum of conflict.
Ours is a doctrinally-based Army. FM 3-0 provides the intellectual underpinnings that lie at the core of how our Army will organize, train, equip, and conduct ope rations in this new environment. It recognizes that we will achieve victory in this changed environment of persistent conflict only by conducting military operations in concert with diplomatic, informational, and economic efforts. Battlefield success is no l onger enough; final victory requires concurrent stability operations to lay the foundation for lasting peace.
Although the strategic environment and operational concepts have changed, Soldiers remain the centerpiece and foundation of the Army—as they have been since 1775. These Soldiers are led by leaders proficient in their core competencies, suffici ently broad to adapt to conditions across the spectrum of conflict, and courageous enough to see enemy vulnerabilities and exploit opportunities in the challenges and complexities of our operating environments. As leaders, it is our obligation to understand and be proficient at employing Soldiers in full spectrum operations. We must read, study, understand, and implement the doctrine in FM 3-0.