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FM 1, The Army (14 June 2005)
Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2005. 72 p.: ill.
[Enhanced e-Version].
Категория: Боевые/Полевые Уставы Армии США (U.S. Army's Field Manuals).
Расшифровка названия: Field Manual No. 1, The Army.
Перевод названия: Боевой/Полевой Устав [Армии США]: Армия [США].
Дата публикации: 14 июня 2005 года.
Особенность: отсутствие сквозной нумерации страниц, т.е. библиографическое описание страниц таково: iv+22+14+12+14+(2)+(2)+(2).
Структура: титул, аннотация и проч. - 4 стр., текст устава - 62 стр., замечания, список источников и проч. - 6 стр.
Выпущен взамен: FM 1, The Army (14 June 2001).
Table of Contents.
Chapter 1: The Army and the Profession of Arms.
- The Army in American History.
- A Historic Challenge.
- The American Profession of Arms.
- The Army in the Profession of Arms.
- Leadership.
- Training.
- Doctrine.
- Summary.
Chapter 2: The Strategic Environment and Army Organization.
- The National Security Environment.
- National Military Strategy Formulation.
- National Military Objectives.
- The Army’s Statutory Obligations.
- The Army Vision.
- The Army Mission.
- The Organization of the Army.
- Summary.
Chapter 3: Army Forces in Unified Action.
- Unified Action.
- How Army Forces Fight.
- Enhancing Joint Interdependence.
- Summary.
Chapter 4: The Way Ahead.
- Future Operating Environment Challenges.
- Army Transformation.
- Transforming Today.
- Changing Army Culture.
- Balancing Risks.
- What Does Not Change: the Human Dimension.
- Summary.
Source Notes.
[Authentication Page].