The present book has been published within the framework of the
European Union Project: Labour Legislation and Arbitration. The main objectives of this Project were - further development of the Russian Federation Labour Legislation regulating labour dispute settlement and social partnership, development of the Concept of pre-trial and out-of-
court labour disputes settlement, and establishment of Social Partnership Centres and Labour Arbitration Courts in the pilot regions.
The book considers various aspects of labour relations and other rela-
tions closely connected with them, are the subject of the European Union labour law regulation. It refers to the most importante normative and legal acts of the European Community - Regulations and Directives in the field of labour law. T
This book will be of interest to the experts in the RF Labour Law as well as to all those interested in the subject.
European Union Project: Labour Legislation and Arbitration. The main objectives of this Project were - further development of the Russian Federation Labour Legislation regulating labour dispute settlement and social partnership, development of the Concept of pre-trial and out-of-
court labour disputes settlement, and establishment of Social Partnership Centres and Labour Arbitration Courts in the pilot regions.
The book considers various aspects of labour relations and other rela-
tions closely connected with them, are the subject of the European Union labour law regulation. It refers to the most importante normative and legal acts of the European Community - Regulations and Directives in the field of labour law. T
This book will be of interest to the experts in the RF Labour Law as well as to all those interested in the subject.