НГПУ, Новосибирск,2011г, 5 курс
The novel "Tess of the D 'Urbervilles has a subtitle:" A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented. She was naive and childish, but at the same time, very clever. She didn’t cherish illusions when she leaed the news about a noble birth, rather the opposite. She differed sharply by this from her simple-minded parents who sent her for a help to an imaginary relative.
The novel "Tess of the D 'Urbervilles has a subtitle:" A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented. She was naive and childish, but at the same time, very clever. She didn’t cherish illusions when she leaed the news about a noble birth, rather the opposite. She differed sharply by this from her simple-minded parents who sent her for a help to an imaginary relative.