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  • добавлен 11 ноября 2011 г.
Eschenauer H., Olhoff N., Schnell W. Applied Structural Mechanics: Fundamentals of Elasticity, Load-Bearing Structures, Structural Optimization
Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1997, 389 pages

In view of the growing importance of product liability and the demand for fulfillment of extreme specifications for new products, this book provides the basic tools for establishing model equations in structural mechanics. Additionally, it illustrates the transition and interrelation between structural mechanics and structural optimization. Nowadays, this new direction is extremely important for more efficiency in the design process. The book is divided into four parts covering the fundamentals of elasticity, plane and curved load-bearing structures and structural optimization. Each part contains numerous problems and solutions, which will provide the student with the basic tools from the field of elasticity theory and assist the professional engineer in solving problems.

Fundamentals of elasticity
Tensor algebra and analysis
State of stress
State of strain
Constitutive laws of linearly elastic bodies
Energy principles
Problem formulations in the theory of linear elasticity
Plane load—bearing structures
Coupled disk-plate problems
Curved load—bearing structures
General fundamentals of shells
Membrane theory of shells
Bending theory of shells of revolution
Theory of shallow shells
Structural optimization
Fundamentals of structural optimization
Algorithms of Mathematical Programming (MP)
Sensitivity analysis of structures
Optimization strategies
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