2-е изд. — 699 стр., качество - отличное.
Геофизические исследования скважин. Книга включает в себя полное
описание всех современных методов ГИС на английском языке,
приведено достаточно примеров. Эта книга будет интересна как
начинающим изучать геофизику (в частности - ГИС), так и людям
желающим пополнить словарный запас, т.к. книга написана для
англоязычных читателей, следовательно, в ней присутстует множество
формул и пояснений на чисто научном языке.
An Overview of Well Logging.
Introduction toWell Log Interpretation:
Finding the Hydrocarbon.
Basic Resistivity and Spontaneous Potential.
Empiricism: The Coerstone of Interpretation.
Resistivity: Electrode Devices and How They Evolved.
Other Electrode and Toroid Devices.
Resistivity: Induction Devices.
Multi-Array and Triaxial Induction Devices.
Propagation Measurements.
Basic Nuclear Physics for Logging Applications: Gamma Rays.
Gamma Ray Devices.
Gamma Ray Scattering and Absorption Measurements.
Basic Neutron Physics for Logging Applications.
Neutron Porosity Devices.
Pulsed Neutron Devices and Spectroscopy.
Nuclear Magnetic Logging.
ntroduction to Acoustic Logging.
Acoustic Waves in Porous Rocks and Boreholes.
Acoustic Logging Methods.
High Angle and Horizontal Wells.
Clay Quantification.
Lithology and Porosity Estimation.
Saturation and Permeability Estimation.
Introduction toWell Log Interpretation:
Finding the Hydrocarbon.
Basic Resistivity and Spontaneous Potential.
Empiricism: The Coerstone of Interpretation.
Resistivity: Electrode Devices and How They Evolved.
Other Electrode and Toroid Devices.
Resistivity: Induction Devices.
Multi-Array and Triaxial Induction Devices.
Propagation Measurements.
Basic Nuclear Physics for Logging Applications: Gamma Rays.
Gamma Ray Devices.
Gamma Ray Scattering and Absorption Measurements.
Basic Neutron Physics for Logging Applications.
Neutron Porosity Devices.
Pulsed Neutron Devices and Spectroscopy.
Nuclear Magnetic Logging.
ntroduction to Acoustic Logging.
Acoustic Waves in Porous Rocks and Boreholes.
Acoustic Logging Methods.
High Angle and Horizontal Wells.
Clay Quantification.
Lithology and Porosity Estimation.
Saturation and Permeability Estimation.