Издатель Wiley, 1998 , ISBN 0471958212, 271 pages
The concept of safety culture is a new and important development in safety at work. Based on the author's scientific research and experience, this practical guide provides vital information for improving safety culture within a company. Organisational elements and measurement of safety culture, motivational strategies in accord with TQM and the safety behaviour, perceptions and attitudes of employees are among the issues discussed.
The concept of safety culture.
The immediate level of effort.
Effective leadership for developing a safety culture.
Methods of evaluating and integrating organisational systems.
Developing risk control systems.
The intermediate level of effort.
Integrating management information systems.
Safety management system auditing.
The ultimate level of effort.
Safety propaganda and safety training.
Measuring safety climate.
Improving behavioural safety.
Additional reading.
The concept of safety culture is a new and important development in safety at work. Based on the author's scientific research and experience, this practical guide provides vital information for improving safety culture within a company. Organisational elements and measurement of safety culture, motivational strategies in accord with TQM and the safety behaviour, perceptions and attitudes of employees are among the issues discussed.
The concept of safety culture.
The immediate level of effort.
Effective leadership for developing a safety culture.
Methods of evaluating and integrating organisational systems.
Developing risk control systems.
The intermediate level of effort.
Integrating management information systems.
Safety management system auditing.
The ultimate level of effort.
Safety propaganda and safety training.
Measuring safety climate.
Improving behavioural safety.
Additional reading.