2-nd edition, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva,
Switzerland, WMO-No 0702, 1998, 167 pp.
The national Meteorological Services of a large number of maritime countries have, for many years now, been engaged in the provision of ocean wave forecast and hindcast services in support of the requirements of users in the whole range of maritime activities (shipping, fisheries, offshore mining, commerce, coastal engineering, construction, recreation, and so on). In recognition of this, and of the relative lack of easily accessible guidance material on wave forecasting methodology suitable for use by national Meteorological Services in developing countries, the WMO Guide to wave analysis and forecasting was prepared by a group of experts and published in 1988 as publication WMO-No.
702. This formal WMO Guide updated and replaced the earlier, very popular, WMO Handbook on the same subject, first published in 1976.
An introduction to ocean waves.
Ocean surface winds.
Wave generation and decay.
Wave forecasting by manual methods.
Introduction to numerical wave modelling.
Operational wave models.
Waves in shallow water.
Wave data, observed, measured and hindcast.
Wave climate statistics.
References and selected bibliography.
The national Meteorological Services of a large number of maritime countries have, for many years now, been engaged in the provision of ocean wave forecast and hindcast services in support of the requirements of users in the whole range of maritime activities (shipping, fisheries, offshore mining, commerce, coastal engineering, construction, recreation, and so on). In recognition of this, and of the relative lack of easily accessible guidance material on wave forecasting methodology suitable for use by national Meteorological Services in developing countries, the WMO Guide to wave analysis and forecasting was prepared by a group of experts and published in 1988 as publication WMO-No.
702. This formal WMO Guide updated and replaced the earlier, very popular, WMO Handbook on the same subject, first published in 1976.
An introduction to ocean waves.
Ocean surface winds.
Wave generation and decay.
Wave forecasting by manual methods.
Introduction to numerical wave modelling.
Operational wave models.
Waves in shallow water.
Wave data, observed, measured and hindcast.
Wave climate statistics.
References and selected bibliography.