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  • добавлен 13 декабря 2011 г.
Dignas B., Winter E. Rome and Persia in late Antiquity. Neighbours and Rivals
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. – 363 p.
ISBN-13 978-0-521-84925-8
ISBN-13 978-0-511-34248-6
ISBN-10 0-511-34248-9
ISBN-10 0-521-84925-X

List of figures page
List of maps

Introduction: West and East, friend and foe, counterpart and mirror image
Rome and Iran to the beginning of the third century AD
Rome and the Sasanian Empire: A chronological survey
The third century: The origins of Sasanian interests in the West
The fourth century: The conflict escalates under ??p?r II (309–379)
The fifth century: Dґ etente at the Roman Easte frontier
The sixth century: The Sasanians renew their expansionist policy in the West
The seventh century: Might and decline of Sasanian power
Sources and contexts
Political goals
Territorial claims of the Sasanians against Rome
Succession to Achaemenid rule as programmatic foreign policy
Sasanian armament and tactics
Military confrontations
The third century: Origins of Sasanian interests in the West
Earliest Roman-Sasanian confrontations (230–233)
??p?r (240–272) at war with Rome
Galerius defeats Nars? in the year
The fourth century: The conflict escalates under ??p?r II (309–379)
Fighting during the reign of Constantius II (337–361)
Julian’s Persian War (363)
The fifth century: D?tente at the Roman Easte frontier
Arcadius (383–408) and Yazdgard I (399–420)
Persian confrontations with the Hephthalites
The Sasanian monarchy loses and regains power
The sixth century: The Sasanians renew their expansionist policy in the West
The first Sasanian-Byzantine War (502–532)
The second Sasanian-Byzantine War (540–562)
The third Sasanian-Byzantine War (572–591) and the Persian expansion into South Arabia
The seventh century: Might and decline of Sasanian power
The advance of Xusr? II Parv?z (602–628)
The diplomatic solutions
The peace treaty of 244 between Philip the Arab and ??p?r I
The peace treaty of 298 between Diocletian and Nars?
The peace treaty of 363 between Jovian and ??p?r II
The peace treaty of 422 between Theodosius II and Bahr?m V G?r
The peace treaty of 562 between Justinian and Xusr? I An??arv?n
The peace treaty of 628 between Heraclius and Kav?dh II ??r??
Arabia between the great powers
The Arab prince Imru’ulqais between Romans and Sasanians
‘Proxy policy’: Lahmids and Gass?nids
Shared interests: Continuing conflicts
Protection of the frontier
Economy and trade
Religion: Christianity and Zoroastrianism
Religion and kingship in the Sasanian Empire
The Sasanian kings as patrons of Zoroastrianism
From Diocletian to Constantine: Religious change in the West and the consequences for Roman-Sasanian relations
The situation of the Persian Christians during the reign of Yazdgard I (399–420)
Religion and politics during the sixth and seventh centuries
Emperor and King of kings
Concepts of ‘legitimate rule’ and the ‘family of kings’
Exchange of information between West and East
Diplomacy and espionage
Deportations: Enforced resettlements of prisoners
Mutual cultural interest

1. Lists of Sasanian kings and Roman emperors
2. Chronological table
3. Glossary
Index of sources
Index of translated sources
Index of names
Index of place names
General index
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  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Исторические дисциплины
  3. Археология
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Исторические дисциплины
  3. Археология
  4. Первобытная археология
  5. Эпоха раннего металла
  6. Ранний железный век
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  2. Исторические дисциплины
  3. Всемирная история
  4. История Древнего мира
  5. История античного мира
  6. История Древнего Рима
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Исторические дисциплины
  3. История России
  4. История Руси и России до 1917 г
  5. Древняя и средневековая Русь (до 1682 г.)
  6. Древнейшая история России
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Исторические дисциплины
  3. История стран Европы и Америки
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Исторические дисциплины
  3. История стран Европы и Америки
  4. История Великобритании
  5. Доисторическая и Римская Британия
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Исторические дисциплины
  3. История Украины
  4. Древняя история Украины (до VI в.)
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