IAEA-TECDOC-511, Vienna, 1989, 98 p.
Since 1973, when the IAEA first introduced the subject of decontamination and decommissioning into its programme, twelve Agency reports reflecting the needs of the Member States on these topics have been published. These reports summarize the work done by various Technical Committees, Advisory Groups, and Inteational Symposia.
While the basic technology to accomplish decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) is fairly well developed, the Agency feels that a more rapid exchange of information and co-ordination of work are required to foster technology, reduce duplication of effort, and provide useful results for Member States planning D&D activities. Although the Agency's limited finanical resources do not make possible direct support of every research work in this field, the IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme (CRP) creates a forum for outstanding workers from different Member States brought into closer contact with one another to provide for more effective interaction and, perhaps subsequently, closer collaboration.
The first IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme (CRP) on decontamination and decommissioning was initiated in 1984. Nineteen experts from 11 Member States and two inteational organizations (CEC, OECD/NEA) took part in the three Research Co-ordination Meetings (RCM) during 1984-
87. The final RCM took place in Pittsburgh, USA, in conjunction with the 1987 Inteational Decommissioning Symposium (sponsored by the US DOE and organized in co-operation with the IAEA and OECD/NEA).
The present document summarizes the salient features and achievements of the co-ordinated research work performed during the 1984-87 programme period. It was compiled by Mr. P.L. De (Scientific Secretary) of the Waste Management Section, Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle.
The Agency would like to take this opportunity in acknowledging the excellent co-operation and hospitality of the CEA, Prance, and the US DOE in hosting the Second and Third Research Co-ordination Meetings respectively.
Since 1973, when the IAEA first introduced the subject of decontamination and decommissioning into its programme, twelve Agency reports reflecting the needs of the Member States on these topics have been published. These reports summarize the work done by various Technical Committees, Advisory Groups, and Inteational Symposia.
While the basic technology to accomplish decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) is fairly well developed, the Agency feels that a more rapid exchange of information and co-ordination of work are required to foster technology, reduce duplication of effort, and provide useful results for Member States planning D&D activities. Although the Agency's limited finanical resources do not make possible direct support of every research work in this field, the IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme (CRP) creates a forum for outstanding workers from different Member States brought into closer contact with one another to provide for more effective interaction and, perhaps subsequently, closer collaboration.
The first IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme (CRP) on decontamination and decommissioning was initiated in 1984. Nineteen experts from 11 Member States and two inteational organizations (CEC, OECD/NEA) took part in the three Research Co-ordination Meetings (RCM) during 1984-
87. The final RCM took place in Pittsburgh, USA, in conjunction with the 1987 Inteational Decommissioning Symposium (sponsored by the US DOE and organized in co-operation with the IAEA and OECD/NEA).
The present document summarizes the salient features and achievements of the co-ordinated research work performed during the 1984-87 programme period. It was compiled by Mr. P.L. De (Scientific Secretary) of the Waste Management Section, Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle.
The Agency would like to take this opportunity in acknowledging the excellent co-operation and hospitality of the CEA, Prance, and the US DOE in hosting the Second and Third Research Co-ordination Meetings respectively.