Трактат об Антихирсте. Книга Ламберта Данеуса. Lambert Daneus, A
treatise, touching Antichrist. Wherein, the place, the time, the
form, the workmen, the upholders, the proceeding, and lastly, the
ruin and overthrow of the Kingdome of Antichrist, is plainly laid
open out of the word of God: where also many dark, and hard places
both of Daniell and the Revelation are made manifest. [London:
Imprinted by Thomas Orwin, for John Porter, and Thomas Gubbin,
1589, 184] посвящена разбору вопросов об антихристе с обсуждением
книг пророка Даниила и Откровения Иоанна Богослова
Имеется 40 глав, заключение и таблица основных терминов и понятий, обсуждаемых в книге.
1) Two points to be grounded for the better handling of the discourse ensuing touching Antichrist.
2) A double division of the disputation following the one general, the other more particular.
3) The foretelling of the coming of Antichrist was famous Prophecy and given out by many.
4) Why it was requested that the kingdom and state of Antichrist should be fore-told.
etc … + conclusion and tables.
Имеется 40 глав, заключение и таблица основных терминов и понятий, обсуждаемых в книге.
1) Two points to be grounded for the better handling of the discourse ensuing touching Antichrist.
2) A double division of the disputation following the one general, the other more particular.
3) The foretelling of the coming of Antichrist was famous Prophecy and given out by many.
4) Why it was requested that the kingdom and state of Antichrist should be fore-told.
etc … + conclusion and tables.