N. -Y. , 1975. 221 p.
The current pessimism about democracy.
The challenges confronting democratic govement.
Weste Europe by Grozier.
Are European democracies becoming ungoveable?
Social, economic and cultural causes.
The role and structure of political values.
Conclusions: European vulnerability.
The United States by Huntington.
The viability and goveability of American democracy.
The expansion of govemental activity.
The decline of govemental authority.
The democratic distemper: consequences.
The democratic distemper: causes.
Conclusion: toward a democratic balance.
Japan by Watanuki.
Japanese democracy's goveability.
Changing values, new generations and their impact on the goveability of the Japanese democracy.
Consequences for and future perspectives on the goveability of Japanese democracy.
The changing context of democratic govement.
Consensus without purpose: the rise of anomic democracy.
The dysfunctions of democracy.
ariations among regions.
The current pessimism about democracy.
The challenges confronting democratic govement.
Weste Europe by Grozier.
Are European democracies becoming ungoveable?
Social, economic and cultural causes.
The role and structure of political values.
Conclusions: European vulnerability.
The United States by Huntington.
The viability and goveability of American democracy.
The expansion of govemental activity.
The decline of govemental authority.
The democratic distemper: consequences.
The democratic distemper: causes.
Conclusion: toward a democratic balance.
Japan by Watanuki.
Japanese democracy's goveability.
Changing values, new generations and their impact on the goveability of the Japanese democracy.
Consequences for and future perspectives on the goveability of Japanese democracy.
The changing context of democratic govement.
Consensus without purpose: the rise of anomic democracy.
The dysfunctions of democracy.
ariations among regions.