Over the past forty years, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has
monographs about the operation of the foreign exchange market in the United States.
The first of these reports, The New York Foreign Exchange Market, by Alan Holmes, was
published in 1959. The second, also entitled The New York Foreign Exchange Market,
was written by Alan Holmes and Francis Schott and published in 1965. The third
publication, Foreign Exchange Markets in the United States, was written by Roger
Kubarych and published in 1978.
monographs about the operation of the foreign exchange market in the United States.
The first of these reports, The New York Foreign Exchange Market, by Alan Holmes, was
published in 1959. The second, also entitled The New York Foreign Exchange Market,
was written by Alan Holmes and Francis Schott and published in 1965. The third
publication, Foreign Exchange Markets in the United States, was written by Roger
Kubarych and published in 1978.