Third Enlarged Edition. 1973.
Dover Publications Inc. New York. 842 p.
Greece and Rome.
Pericles. Funeral Oration .
Socarts. On His Condemnation to Death .
Isocrates. On the Union of Greece to Resist Persia.
Demosthenes. On the Crown. The Second Oration Against Philip .
Cato, the elder. In Support of the Oppian Law
Hannibal. To His Soldiers.
Cicero. First Oration Against Catiline. The Fourth Philippic.
Catiline. To the Conspirators. To His Troops.
Julius Caesar. On the Treatment of the Conspirators.
Cato, the Younger. The Catilinarian Conspirators.
Mark Antony. Oration on the Dead Body of fulius Caesar.
The European Continent.
Sr. Beard. A Second Crusade.
Sr. Francis. Sermon to the Birds
Martin Luther. Before the Diet of Worms .
John Calvin. On Suffering Persecution.
Frederick the Great. Before Invading Silesia, 1740. Before the Battle of Leuthen, 1757.
Desmoulins. Advocating the Execution of Louis XVI.
Mirabeau. Against the Charge of Treason
Danton. "To Dare Again, Ever to Dare! "Let France Be Free! "
Marat. Defense Against the Charges.
Robespierre. The Festival of the Supreme Being
Napoleon Bonaparte. At the Beginning of the Italian Campaign. On Entering Milan .
On Beginning the Russian Campaign. Farewell to the Old Guard.
Caot. Against Imperialism.
Vrctor Hugo. Voltaire.
Giuseppe Mazzini. To the Young Men of Italy.
Giuseppe Garibaldi.ToHis Soldiers.
Cavour. Rome and ltaly.
Louis Kossuth. America's Welcome
Leon Gambetta. To the Delegates from Alsace.
Emile Zola. Appeal for Dreyfus.
Leo XIII. Christian Democracy.
Otto von Bismarck. War and Armaments in Europe.
Bethmann-Hollweg. Germany and the War.
Kaiser Wilhelm II. Address to the German People.
Jean Jaur?s. Last Speech.
Ren? Viviani. The Spirit of France.
Cardinal Mercier. Coronation Day Sermon.
Georges Clemenceau. One Aim: Victory.
Alexander Kerensky. To Workingmen and Soldiers.
Leon Trotzky. To the Red Army.
Vladimir Lenin. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
Marshal Ferdinand Foch. Napoleon.
Aristide Driand. Naval Disarmament.
Great Britain and lreland.
Oliver Cromwell. On the Dissolution of Parliament.
Sir Robert Walpole. On a Motion for His Removal.
John Wesley. God's Love to Fallen Man.
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. On the Right of Taxing America.
Edmund Burke. Conciliation with America. Indictment of Waren Hastings.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan. At the Trial of Warren Hastings.
William Pitt. On His Refusal to Negotiate with Bonaparte.
Charles James Fox. On Refusal to Negotiate with Bonaperte.
George Canning. The Fall of Napoleon.
Thomas Babingston Macaulay. On the Reform Bill.
Richard Cobden. The Effects of Protection on Agriculture.
John Bright. The "Trent" Affair.
Benjamin Disraeli. Peace with Honor.
William Ewart Gladstone. On Domestic and Foreign Affairs.
Cardinal Manning. Anti-Semitism.
Joseph Chamberlain. TheBritishEmpire.
Emmeline Pankhurst. Militant Suffragists.
Sir Edward Grey. England'sPosition.
David Lloyd George. An Appeal to the Nation.
Arthur James Balfour. The Fourth of July.
James Ramsay MacDonald. Peace.
Lady Astor. Women in Politics.
George Beard Shaw. On His Seventieth Birthday.
Daniel O’Connell. |ustice for lreland.
Robert Emmet. Protest Against Sentence as Traitor.
Charles Stewart Paell. The Home Rule Bill.
Arthur Griffith. The Irish Free State.
The United States.
Jonathan Edwards. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.
John Hancock. The Boston Massacre.
Patrick Henry. "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death! ".
Samuel Adams. American Independence.
Benjamin Franklin. On the Faults of the Constitution.
James Madison. The States and the Federal Govement.
John Marshall. Iustice and the Federal Constitution.
Alexander Hamilton. The Federal Constitution.
George Washington. Inaugural Address. Farewell Address.
Thomas Jefferson. First Inaugural Address.
Gouveeur Morris. Alexander Hamilton.
American Indians. Red facket. Tecumseh.
Edward Everett. Adams and Jefierson.
Daniel Webster. Reply to Hayne.
Andrew Jackson. Second Inaugural.
Wendell Philips. The Murder of Lovejoy.
Rufus Choate. The Preservation of the Union.
John Caldwell Calhoun. Slavery.
Henry Clay. On the Compromise of l850.
Charles Sumner. The Crime Against Kansas.
William Henry Seward. The Irrepressible Conflict.
John Brown. On Being Sentenced to Death.
William Lloys Garrison. On the Death of John Brown.
Stephen Aold Douglas. Reply to Lincoln.
Jefferson Davis. On Withdrawal from the Union.
Abraham Lincoln. On His Nomination to the Senate. Farewell Address at Springfield.
Address at Gettysburg. Second Inaugural Address.
Henry Ward Beecher. The System of Slavery.
Susan B. Anthony. On Woman's Right to Suffrage.
Robert Green Ingersoll. Blaine-The Plumed Knight. Oration at His Brother's Grave.
James Gillespie Blaine. On the Death of Garfield.
Grover Cleveland. First Inaugural Address.
Chauncey Mitchell Depew. The Columbian Oration.
Booker T. Washington. The American Standard.
William Jennings Bryan. The Cross of Gold.
Albert J. Beveridge. The Republic That Never Retreats.
Henry Cabot Lodge. The Retention of the Philippines.
William McKinley. Address at Buffalo.
Robert Marion La Follette. Manhood or Money.
Theodore Roosevelt. The Strenuous Life.
Jane Addams. Washington'sBirthday.
Stephen S. Wise. Lincoln, Man and American.
Woodrow Wilson. Peace Without Victory. Declaration of War. The Fourteen Points. The League of Nations.
William Edgar Borah. The League of Nations.
Eugene Victor Debs. On Receiving Sentence.
Elihu Root. A Plea for the League of Nations.
Oliver Wendell Holmes (Justice). "Live-I Am Coming! "
Sir John A. Macdonald. On Canadian Federation.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Canada, England, and the United States.
Sir Robert Laird Borden. The Voice of the Empire.
South America, South Africa, India, and China.
Simon Bolivar. Address at Angostura.
Jan C. Smuts. Peace and Empire.
Rabindranath Tagore. Nationalism in India.
Mohandras K. Ganchi. Non-Cooperation.
Sun Yat-sen. National Morale and World Tranquillity.
Great speeches of recent times.
Domestic Affairs in the United States.
William Green. Mode Trade Unionism.
Alfred E. Smith. Religious Prejudice and Politics.
Fiorello H. LaGuardia. American Labor.
Clarence S. Darrow. A Plea for Mercy.
Jonn L. Lewis. The Rights of Labor.
William Allen White. Speaking for the Consumer.
Thomas E. Dewey. Rendezvous with Despair.
Herbert Hoover. The Bill of Rights.
Charles Evans Hughes. Our Govement.
World Afrairs ond the Second World War.
Anthony Eden. A Firm Policy.
Neville Chamberlain. The Munich Agreement.
Winston Churchill. "Blood, Sweat and Tears". Dunkirk. "Their Finest Hour". The War on Russia. Address before the United States Congress.
Clement R. Attlee. The Atlantic Charter.
W. L. Mackenzie King. Canada and the War.
Edouard Daladier. Nazis' Aim Is Slavery.
Paul Reynaud. France Will Live Again!
Henry Philippe P?tain. "I Need Your Confidence! "
Eamon de Valera. Ireland Among the Nations.
Maxim Litvinov. The League of Nations.
Haile Selassie. The Position of Ethiopia.
Frederico Laredo Bru. United Hemisphere Defense.
Adolf Hitler. Germany's Claims. No More Territorial Demands. German Conquests.
Benito Mussolini. A Call to Arms. Anniversary of Italy's Entry in the War.
Vyacheslav M. Molotov. The Nazi War on Russia.
Joseph Stalin. "Defend Every Inch of Soviet Soil! "
Fumamaro Konoye. The Triple Alliance.
Chiang Kai-shek. War Between fustice and Force.
Pius XII. Appeal for Peace.
The United States and The Second World War.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt. First Inaugural Address. Hemisphere Defense For Democracy. "The Arsenal of Democracy". Freedom of the Seas. For a Declaration of War Against Japan. America's Answer to Japan's Challenge. First War Address Before Congress .
Wendell L. Willkie. "Loyal Opposition". American Liberty.
Cordell Hull. The Pillars of Enduring Peace.
James Bryant Conant. What Are We Arming to Defend?
Charles A. Lindbergh. An Independent Policy.
Henry L. Stimson. A Grave Situation.
Harold L. Ickes. What Constitutes an American.
Frank Knox. We Must Fight for Our Liberties.
Fulton J. Sheen. The Cross and the Double Cross.
Dorothy Thompson. Hitler's Plans for Canada and the Unired States.
Henry A. Wallace. America's Second Chance.
Norman Thomas. America and the War.
Great speeches of the mode period.
United States Govement.
Beard Mannes Baruch. Control of Atomic Weapons.
Harry S. Truman. Inaugural Address. Powers of the President.
Douglas MacArthur. Old Soldiers Never Die.
Adlai Ewing Stevenson. Acceptance of Nomination. United States Far Easte Policy.
Dwight David Eisenhower. Inaugural Address. Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy. The Spirit of Geneva.
Earl Warren? A Home for American Jurisprudence.
lntunational Afrairs and the United Nations
Winston Churchill. An Iron Curtain Has Descended.
Jawaharlal Nehru. Asia Finds Herself Again. A Glory Has Departed.
Oswaldo Aranha. A New Order Through the United Nations.
Pierre Mend?s-France. The Search for Inteational Cooperation.
Dag Hammarskjold. Values of Nationalism and Inteationalism.
Nickolai Aleskandrovich Bulganin. The Lessening of Inteational Tension.
Frank Lloyd Wright. On Architecture.
Albert Einstein. Peace in the Atomic Age.
William Faulkner. Acceptance of the Nobel Prize.
Dylan Thomas. A Visit to America.
Eleanor Roosevelt. The United Nations as a Bridge.
J. Robert Oppenheimer. Prospect in the Arts and Sciences.
Walter Philip Reuther. Ahistorical Agreement.
Adlai Ewing Stevenson. To the Graduating Class at Smith College.
Informal speeches.
Ralph Waldo Emerson. The Memory of Bus.
Charles Dickens. English Friendship for America.
Julia Ward Howe. A Tribute to Oliver Wendell Holmes.
James Russell Lowell. After-Dinner Oratory.
Oliver Wendell Holmes. Dorothy Q.
Henry Morton Stanley. Through the Dark Continent.
Henry Ward Beecher. Merchants and Ministers.
Chauncey Mitchell Depew. Woman.
Joseph Hodges Choate. The Bench and the Bar.
George Graham Vest. A Tribute to the Dog.
Horace Porter. Woman!
Thomas Henry Huxley. Science and Art.
Carl Schurz. Thc Old World and the New.
William Schwenck Gilbert. "Pinafore".
Sir Arthur Sullivan. Music.
Edward Everett Hale. Boston.
Ulysses Simpson Grant. The New Englanders.
Samuel L. Clemens ("Mark Twain"). New England Weather. The Babies. Woman, God Bless Her! .
Charles William Eliot. Harvard and Yale.
Henry Watterson. The Puritan and the Cavalier.
John Hay. Omar Khayyam.
Sir Henry Irving. The Drama.
Robert Edwin Peary. Farthest North.
Andrew Caegie. General Goethals and the Panama Canal.
Lord Cecil. Englishmen and Americans.
S fenas Mrrrsnw Banur
Literature and the Press .
Irvin S. Cobb. The Lost Tribes of the Irish in the South.
Will Rogers. Wealth and Education.
William Lyon Phelps. Owning Books.
Edward VIII. Farcwell Address.
Owen D. Young. Culture.
John D. Rockefeller, Jh. Our Family Creed.
Important speeches of the sixties.
United States
John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Inaugural Address. The Strategy of Peace. Poetry and Power.
Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have a Dream.
Dwight David Eisenhower. Farewell Address.
Robert S. McNamara. War and Poverty.
Lyndon Baines Johnson. On Vietnam and on the Decision Not to Seek Reelection.
John W. Gardner. Uncritical Lovers, Unloving Critics.
Goerge Wald. A Generation in Search of a Future.
Richard Milhous Nixon. First Inaugural Address. To the Astronauts on the Moon.
John Vliet Lindsay. Second Inaugural Address as Mayor.
World Afrairs
Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. The Personality Cult and Its Consequences.
Lord Snow. Recent Thoughts on the Two Cultures.
Charles de Gaulle. Independence for Algeria.
Pope John XXIII. The Opening of the Ecumenical Council.
Pope Paul VI. No More War.
Supplement: Survey of speeches by black americans. Compiled by Philip S. Foner
Henry Highland Gaet. An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America.
Frederick Douglass. The Meaning of fuly Fourth for the Negro. Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln.
Booker T. Washington. Atlanta Exposition Address.
W. E. B. Du Bois. Behold the Land.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Malcolm X. The Black Revolution.
Dover Publications Inc. New York. 842 p.
Greece and Rome.
Pericles. Funeral Oration .
Socarts. On His Condemnation to Death .
Isocrates. On the Union of Greece to Resist Persia.
Demosthenes. On the Crown. The Second Oration Against Philip .
Cato, the elder. In Support of the Oppian Law
Hannibal. To His Soldiers.
Cicero. First Oration Against Catiline. The Fourth Philippic.
Catiline. To the Conspirators. To His Troops.
Julius Caesar. On the Treatment of the Conspirators.
Cato, the Younger. The Catilinarian Conspirators.
Mark Antony. Oration on the Dead Body of fulius Caesar.
The European Continent.
Sr. Beard. A Second Crusade.
Sr. Francis. Sermon to the Birds
Martin Luther. Before the Diet of Worms .
John Calvin. On Suffering Persecution.
Frederick the Great. Before Invading Silesia, 1740. Before the Battle of Leuthen, 1757.
Desmoulins. Advocating the Execution of Louis XVI.
Mirabeau. Against the Charge of Treason
Danton. "To Dare Again, Ever to Dare! "Let France Be Free! "
Marat. Defense Against the Charges.
Robespierre. The Festival of the Supreme Being
Napoleon Bonaparte. At the Beginning of the Italian Campaign. On Entering Milan .
On Beginning the Russian Campaign. Farewell to the Old Guard.
Caot. Against Imperialism.
Vrctor Hugo. Voltaire.
Giuseppe Mazzini. To the Young Men of Italy.
Giuseppe Garibaldi.ToHis Soldiers.
Cavour. Rome and ltaly.
Louis Kossuth. America's Welcome
Leon Gambetta. To the Delegates from Alsace.
Emile Zola. Appeal for Dreyfus.
Leo XIII. Christian Democracy.
Otto von Bismarck. War and Armaments in Europe.
Bethmann-Hollweg. Germany and the War.
Kaiser Wilhelm II. Address to the German People.
Jean Jaur?s. Last Speech.
Ren? Viviani. The Spirit of France.
Cardinal Mercier. Coronation Day Sermon.
Georges Clemenceau. One Aim: Victory.
Alexander Kerensky. To Workingmen and Soldiers.
Leon Trotzky. To the Red Army.
Vladimir Lenin. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
Marshal Ferdinand Foch. Napoleon.
Aristide Driand. Naval Disarmament.
Great Britain and lreland.
Oliver Cromwell. On the Dissolution of Parliament.
Sir Robert Walpole. On a Motion for His Removal.
John Wesley. God's Love to Fallen Man.
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. On the Right of Taxing America.
Edmund Burke. Conciliation with America. Indictment of Waren Hastings.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan. At the Trial of Warren Hastings.
William Pitt. On His Refusal to Negotiate with Bonaparte.
Charles James Fox. On Refusal to Negotiate with Bonaperte.
George Canning. The Fall of Napoleon.
Thomas Babingston Macaulay. On the Reform Bill.
Richard Cobden. The Effects of Protection on Agriculture.
John Bright. The "Trent" Affair.
Benjamin Disraeli. Peace with Honor.
William Ewart Gladstone. On Domestic and Foreign Affairs.
Cardinal Manning. Anti-Semitism.
Joseph Chamberlain. TheBritishEmpire.
Emmeline Pankhurst. Militant Suffragists.
Sir Edward Grey. England'sPosition.
David Lloyd George. An Appeal to the Nation.
Arthur James Balfour. The Fourth of July.
James Ramsay MacDonald. Peace.
Lady Astor. Women in Politics.
George Beard Shaw. On His Seventieth Birthday.
Daniel O’Connell. |ustice for lreland.
Robert Emmet. Protest Against Sentence as Traitor.
Charles Stewart Paell. The Home Rule Bill.
Arthur Griffith. The Irish Free State.
The United States.
Jonathan Edwards. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.
John Hancock. The Boston Massacre.
Patrick Henry. "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death! ".
Samuel Adams. American Independence.
Benjamin Franklin. On the Faults of the Constitution.
James Madison. The States and the Federal Govement.
John Marshall. Iustice and the Federal Constitution.
Alexander Hamilton. The Federal Constitution.
George Washington. Inaugural Address. Farewell Address.
Thomas Jefferson. First Inaugural Address.
Gouveeur Morris. Alexander Hamilton.
American Indians. Red facket. Tecumseh.
Edward Everett. Adams and Jefierson.
Daniel Webster. Reply to Hayne.
Andrew Jackson. Second Inaugural.
Wendell Philips. The Murder of Lovejoy.
Rufus Choate. The Preservation of the Union.
John Caldwell Calhoun. Slavery.
Henry Clay. On the Compromise of l850.
Charles Sumner. The Crime Against Kansas.
William Henry Seward. The Irrepressible Conflict.
John Brown. On Being Sentenced to Death.
William Lloys Garrison. On the Death of John Brown.
Stephen Aold Douglas. Reply to Lincoln.
Jefferson Davis. On Withdrawal from the Union.
Abraham Lincoln. On His Nomination to the Senate. Farewell Address at Springfield.
Address at Gettysburg. Second Inaugural Address.
Henry Ward Beecher. The System of Slavery.
Susan B. Anthony. On Woman's Right to Suffrage.
Robert Green Ingersoll. Blaine-The Plumed Knight. Oration at His Brother's Grave.
James Gillespie Blaine. On the Death of Garfield.
Grover Cleveland. First Inaugural Address.
Chauncey Mitchell Depew. The Columbian Oration.
Booker T. Washington. The American Standard.
William Jennings Bryan. The Cross of Gold.
Albert J. Beveridge. The Republic That Never Retreats.
Henry Cabot Lodge. The Retention of the Philippines.
William McKinley. Address at Buffalo.
Robert Marion La Follette. Manhood or Money.
Theodore Roosevelt. The Strenuous Life.
Jane Addams. Washington'sBirthday.
Stephen S. Wise. Lincoln, Man and American.
Woodrow Wilson. Peace Without Victory. Declaration of War. The Fourteen Points. The League of Nations.
William Edgar Borah. The League of Nations.
Eugene Victor Debs. On Receiving Sentence.
Elihu Root. A Plea for the League of Nations.
Oliver Wendell Holmes (Justice). "Live-I Am Coming! "
Sir John A. Macdonald. On Canadian Federation.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Canada, England, and the United States.
Sir Robert Laird Borden. The Voice of the Empire.
South America, South Africa, India, and China.
Simon Bolivar. Address at Angostura.
Jan C. Smuts. Peace and Empire.
Rabindranath Tagore. Nationalism in India.
Mohandras K. Ganchi. Non-Cooperation.
Sun Yat-sen. National Morale and World Tranquillity.
Great speeches of recent times.
Domestic Affairs in the United States.
William Green. Mode Trade Unionism.
Alfred E. Smith. Religious Prejudice and Politics.
Fiorello H. LaGuardia. American Labor.
Clarence S. Darrow. A Plea for Mercy.
Jonn L. Lewis. The Rights of Labor.
William Allen White. Speaking for the Consumer.
Thomas E. Dewey. Rendezvous with Despair.
Herbert Hoover. The Bill of Rights.
Charles Evans Hughes. Our Govement.
World Afrairs ond the Second World War.
Anthony Eden. A Firm Policy.
Neville Chamberlain. The Munich Agreement.
Winston Churchill. "Blood, Sweat and Tears". Dunkirk. "Their Finest Hour". The War on Russia. Address before the United States Congress.
Clement R. Attlee. The Atlantic Charter.
W. L. Mackenzie King. Canada and the War.
Edouard Daladier. Nazis' Aim Is Slavery.
Paul Reynaud. France Will Live Again!
Henry Philippe P?tain. "I Need Your Confidence! "
Eamon de Valera. Ireland Among the Nations.
Maxim Litvinov. The League of Nations.
Haile Selassie. The Position of Ethiopia.
Frederico Laredo Bru. United Hemisphere Defense.
Adolf Hitler. Germany's Claims. No More Territorial Demands. German Conquests.
Benito Mussolini. A Call to Arms. Anniversary of Italy's Entry in the War.
Vyacheslav M. Molotov. The Nazi War on Russia.
Joseph Stalin. "Defend Every Inch of Soviet Soil! "
Fumamaro Konoye. The Triple Alliance.
Chiang Kai-shek. War Between fustice and Force.
Pius XII. Appeal for Peace.
The United States and The Second World War.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt. First Inaugural Address. Hemisphere Defense For Democracy. "The Arsenal of Democracy". Freedom of the Seas. For a Declaration of War Against Japan. America's Answer to Japan's Challenge. First War Address Before Congress .
Wendell L. Willkie. "Loyal Opposition". American Liberty.
Cordell Hull. The Pillars of Enduring Peace.
James Bryant Conant. What Are We Arming to Defend?
Charles A. Lindbergh. An Independent Policy.
Henry L. Stimson. A Grave Situation.
Harold L. Ickes. What Constitutes an American.
Frank Knox. We Must Fight for Our Liberties.
Fulton J. Sheen. The Cross and the Double Cross.
Dorothy Thompson. Hitler's Plans for Canada and the Unired States.
Henry A. Wallace. America's Second Chance.
Norman Thomas. America and the War.
Great speeches of the mode period.
United States Govement.
Beard Mannes Baruch. Control of Atomic Weapons.
Harry S. Truman. Inaugural Address. Powers of the President.
Douglas MacArthur. Old Soldiers Never Die.
Adlai Ewing Stevenson. Acceptance of Nomination. United States Far Easte Policy.
Dwight David Eisenhower. Inaugural Address. Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy. The Spirit of Geneva.
Earl Warren? A Home for American Jurisprudence.
lntunational Afrairs and the United Nations
Winston Churchill. An Iron Curtain Has Descended.
Jawaharlal Nehru. Asia Finds Herself Again. A Glory Has Departed.
Oswaldo Aranha. A New Order Through the United Nations.
Pierre Mend?s-France. The Search for Inteational Cooperation.
Dag Hammarskjold. Values of Nationalism and Inteationalism.
Nickolai Aleskandrovich Bulganin. The Lessening of Inteational Tension.
Frank Lloyd Wright. On Architecture.
Albert Einstein. Peace in the Atomic Age.
William Faulkner. Acceptance of the Nobel Prize.
Dylan Thomas. A Visit to America.
Eleanor Roosevelt. The United Nations as a Bridge.
J. Robert Oppenheimer. Prospect in the Arts and Sciences.
Walter Philip Reuther. Ahistorical Agreement.
Adlai Ewing Stevenson. To the Graduating Class at Smith College.
Informal speeches.
Ralph Waldo Emerson. The Memory of Bus.
Charles Dickens. English Friendship for America.
Julia Ward Howe. A Tribute to Oliver Wendell Holmes.
James Russell Lowell. After-Dinner Oratory.
Oliver Wendell Holmes. Dorothy Q.
Henry Morton Stanley. Through the Dark Continent.
Henry Ward Beecher. Merchants and Ministers.
Chauncey Mitchell Depew. Woman.
Joseph Hodges Choate. The Bench and the Bar.
George Graham Vest. A Tribute to the Dog.
Horace Porter. Woman!
Thomas Henry Huxley. Science and Art.
Carl Schurz. Thc Old World and the New.
William Schwenck Gilbert. "Pinafore".
Sir Arthur Sullivan. Music.
Edward Everett Hale. Boston.
Ulysses Simpson Grant. The New Englanders.
Samuel L. Clemens ("Mark Twain"). New England Weather. The Babies. Woman, God Bless Her! .
Charles William Eliot. Harvard and Yale.
Henry Watterson. The Puritan and the Cavalier.
John Hay. Omar Khayyam.
Sir Henry Irving. The Drama.
Robert Edwin Peary. Farthest North.
Andrew Caegie. General Goethals and the Panama Canal.
Lord Cecil. Englishmen and Americans.
S fenas Mrrrsnw Banur
Literature and the Press .
Irvin S. Cobb. The Lost Tribes of the Irish in the South.
Will Rogers. Wealth and Education.
William Lyon Phelps. Owning Books.
Edward VIII. Farcwell Address.
Owen D. Young. Culture.
John D. Rockefeller, Jh. Our Family Creed.
Important speeches of the sixties.
United States
John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Inaugural Address. The Strategy of Peace. Poetry and Power.
Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have a Dream.
Dwight David Eisenhower. Farewell Address.
Robert S. McNamara. War and Poverty.
Lyndon Baines Johnson. On Vietnam and on the Decision Not to Seek Reelection.
John W. Gardner. Uncritical Lovers, Unloving Critics.
Goerge Wald. A Generation in Search of a Future.
Richard Milhous Nixon. First Inaugural Address. To the Astronauts on the Moon.
John Vliet Lindsay. Second Inaugural Address as Mayor.
World Afrairs
Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. The Personality Cult and Its Consequences.
Lord Snow. Recent Thoughts on the Two Cultures.
Charles de Gaulle. Independence for Algeria.
Pope John XXIII. The Opening of the Ecumenical Council.
Pope Paul VI. No More War.
Supplement: Survey of speeches by black americans. Compiled by Philip S. Foner
Henry Highland Gaet. An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America.
Frederick Douglass. The Meaning of fuly Fourth for the Negro. Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln.
Booker T. Washington. Atlanta Exposition Address.
W. E. B. Du Bois. Behold the Land.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Malcolm X. The Black Revolution.