Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. - 233 Pages.
Introduction: The Dying Pope
One The Great Commission
Two Clement’s Brainstorm
Three Pope Julius’s Tomb
Four The Altar Wall
Five Colors
Six The Children of Savonarola
Seven Vittoria Colonna
Eight Sol Invictus
Nine Saints, Martyrs, and Angels
Ten The Outer Orbit: The Naked and the Dead
Eleven The Damned
Twelve The Censorship of the End of the World
Thirteen The Last Days of Michelangelo Buonarroti
Further Reading
Introduction: The Dying Pope
One The Great Commission
Two Clement’s Brainstorm
Three Pope Julius’s Tomb
Four The Altar Wall
Five Colors
Six The Children of Savonarola
Seven Vittoria Colonna
Eight Sol Invictus
Nine Saints, Martyrs, and Angels
Ten The Outer Orbit: The Naked and the Dead
Eleven The Damned
Twelve The Censorship of the End of the World
Thirteen The Last Days of Michelangelo Buonarroti
Further Reading