Sandhills Publishing. — 96 р. — ISSN 1536-7568.
Язык: Английский. Computer Power User - ежемесячное издание направленное на людей, которые без ума от компьютерных технологий. Computer Power User is a monthly print publication aimed at people who breathe, eat, and sleep technology.
The kind of person who gets his kicks upgrading graphics cards and smashing benchmarks.
The type of person who reinstalls Windows at 2 a.m. because his system keeps crashing while he's encoding video.
Or the person who repartitions his drive to create a dual-boot system and install Linux so he can lea more about how the OS works.
It's for people who enjoy wireless gadgets and fast Inteet connections, and who feel at home whether they're playing an MMO or the latest FPS.
People who like honest reviews, useful tips, and in-depth looks at upcoming technology. People who would rather check out the next exhibit at CES in person than read about it in a press release.
Язык: Английский. Computer Power User - ежемесячное издание направленное на людей, которые без ума от компьютерных технологий. Computer Power User is a monthly print publication aimed at people who breathe, eat, and sleep technology.
The kind of person who gets his kicks upgrading graphics cards and smashing benchmarks.
The type of person who reinstalls Windows at 2 a.m. because his system keeps crashing while he's encoding video.
Or the person who repartitions his drive to create a dual-boot system and install Linux so he can lea more about how the OS works.
It's for people who enjoy wireless gadgets and fast Inteet connections, and who feel at home whether they're playing an MMO or the latest FPS.
People who like honest reviews, useful tips, and in-depth looks at upcoming technology. People who would rather check out the next exhibit at CES in person than read about it in a press release.