Amherst Media, Inc., 1999. - 129 pages. На англ. языке.
Руководство по ландшафтной фотографии в технике черно-белой
съемки, которую предлагается использовать для достижения большей
креативности снимков и совершенствованию передачи
Because landscape photographers are at the mercy of quickly
changing weather, uneven illumination, poor contrast or limited
tonal range, and other elements, this book shares the skills and
techniques needed to tu these liabilities into assets. It
explores types of landscape photography, explains what equipment
works best, and describes how to find a balance between creativity
and technique. It tells how to see the palette of natural light and
the tonalities that make for outstanding photography and discusses
focus, depth of field, and controlling tonalities in black-
and-white landscapes.