Photographers' Institute Press / PIP, 2009. — 191 p.
В хронологическом порядке представлены 75 камер из Национального
Медиа-музея в Брэдфорде, Англия. Каждой эпохе посвящена отдельная
глава, каждой камере - двойной разворот.
From Colin Harding’s highly successful Classic Cameras feature,
which runs regularly in Black and White Photography magazine, comes
a superb showcase of photographic equipment. These 75 cameras,
drawn from the National Media Museum in Bradford, England, appear
in chronological order, with a chapter for every era and a
double-page spread devoted to each camera. They range from old,
rare, sophisticated and expensive models to some that are
relatively common and simple, but still influential, like the Kodak
Instamatic. Each spread has a large and impressive shot of the
highlighted camera, smaller pictures of any variants, historical
insight into the camera’s development, and, when appropriate, a
short biography and photo of the inventor.