This book is an outgrowth of the pioneering development work done
by InterDigital Communication
Corporation in 3rd Generation TDD WCDMA Technology. Many engineers
and managers were involved in this development, which spanned a wide range of technology
areas, including system architecture, radio interface, radio modem design, radio
resource management and hardware/software implementation. In addition, TDD WCDMA
technology had many direct and indirect contributors across the globe in the context of
the development of the 3GPP TDD WCDMA Standard.
During the late 2002–early 2003 time period, InterDigital executive management took a
decision to produce a book on the collective work done at InterDigital on TDD WCDMA
technology. I was entrusted with the daunting task of bringing together this vast body of
TDD WCDMA expertise and presenting it in a comprehensive, logically connected and
readable form. I hope I have met these objectives.
After a quick introduction in Chapter 1 to 3rd Generation TDD WCDMA technology as
well as 3GPP Standards, Chapters 2 through 5 address TDD WCDMA technology from
the 3GPP Standards point of view. Chapter 2 presents a succinct account of UMTS system
architecture. Next, the essential principles of theTDDWCDMAradio interface are presented
in Chapter
3. On the basis of these principles, a detailed and comprehensive exposition of
the TDD WCDMA radio interface is given in the next two chapters. The structural aspects,
including the layered protocol model, protocols and messages, are described in Chapter 4.
The interactive dynamic procedural aspects of radio interface are detailed in Chapter 5.
The remaining chapters are devoted to the aspects of TDD WCDMA technology not
covered by 3GPP Standards. Chapter 6 deals with signal processing in TDD WCDMA
receivers, including advanced topics such as multiuser detection. Chapter 7 addresses radio
resource management, which is especially challenging for TDD WCDMA. In Chapter 8,
we cover various aspects of TDD WCDMA deployment, both by itself and in conjunction
with its FDD WCDMA counterpart. Finally, Chapter 9 presents a brief comparison
between TDD WCDMA, WLAN and Narrowband TDD WCDMA or TDSCDMA.
This book may be used as a reference book by practicing engineers, who are involved
in the development of TDD WCDMA or TDSCDMA technologies. It may also be used
as a textbook for an advanced graduate level course in wireless communication systems.
Corporation in 3rd Generation TDD WCDMA Technology. Many engineers
and managers were involved in this development, which spanned a wide range of technology
areas, including system architecture, radio interface, radio modem design, radio
resource management and hardware/software implementation. In addition, TDD WCDMA
technology had many direct and indirect contributors across the globe in the context of
the development of the 3GPP TDD WCDMA Standard.
During the late 2002–early 2003 time period, InterDigital executive management took a
decision to produce a book on the collective work done at InterDigital on TDD WCDMA
technology. I was entrusted with the daunting task of bringing together this vast body of
TDD WCDMA expertise and presenting it in a comprehensive, logically connected and
readable form. I hope I have met these objectives.
After a quick introduction in Chapter 1 to 3rd Generation TDD WCDMA technology as
well as 3GPP Standards, Chapters 2 through 5 address TDD WCDMA technology from
the 3GPP Standards point of view. Chapter 2 presents a succinct account of UMTS system
architecture. Next, the essential principles of theTDDWCDMAradio interface are presented
in Chapter
3. On the basis of these principles, a detailed and comprehensive exposition of
the TDD WCDMA radio interface is given in the next two chapters. The structural aspects,
including the layered protocol model, protocols and messages, are described in Chapter 4.
The interactive dynamic procedural aspects of radio interface are detailed in Chapter 5.
The remaining chapters are devoted to the aspects of TDD WCDMA technology not
covered by 3GPP Standards. Chapter 6 deals with signal processing in TDD WCDMA
receivers, including advanced topics such as multiuser detection. Chapter 7 addresses radio
resource management, which is especially challenging for TDD WCDMA. In Chapter 8,
we cover various aspects of TDD WCDMA deployment, both by itself and in conjunction
with its FDD WCDMA counterpart. Finally, Chapter 9 presents a brief comparison
between TDD WCDMA, WLAN and Narrowband TDD WCDMA or TDSCDMA.
This book may be used as a reference book by practicing engineers, who are involved
in the development of TDD WCDMA or TDSCDMA technologies. It may also be used
as a textbook for an advanced graduate level course in wireless communication systems.