Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea: Papua Pocket Poets, 1970. — 27 p.
Чакраварти Притхвиндра (ред.) Баул: Бенгальские мистические
песнопения из устного предания (на англ. яз.)
I longed to worship the guru's feet.
I spent my life meditating on the banks of hope.
0 wild hope. I planted a tree named hope,
I sat on its roots
Waiting for the fruit,
But before my hope was fulfilled
The tree fell to the ground, ih branches crushed
0 wild hope. The jouey needs sixty four years at least,
But I have only moments left.
How far can I row?
I hove taken the boat to the rhore at the end of the day.
But alas, i t can never reach the other shore.
0 wild hope.
I spent my life meditating on the banks of hope.
0 wild hope. I planted a tree named hope,
I sat on its roots
Waiting for the fruit,
But before my hope was fulfilled
The tree fell to the ground, ih branches crushed
0 wild hope. The jouey needs sixty four years at least,
But I have only moments left.
How far can I row?
I hove taken the boat to the rhore at the end of the day.
But alas, i t can never reach the other shore.
0 wild hope.