Elsevier. — 286 p. — ISSN 0092-8674.
Журнал Cell — это не только первоклассное научное издание по
молекулярной и клеточной биологии, не только источник научных
новостей для научных журналистов, но и прекрасный популяризатор
Elucidating beauty in complexity is an achievement that rewards
many biologists, and the existence of such complex elegance in
natural systems is a prime reason that many of us are fascinated by
the study of life. This review issue, commemorating 40 years of
Cell, explores the complex beauty of biology along the lines of
editorially selected themes that highlight the major trends and
paradigm shifts that have defined molecular and cellular biology in
recent decades. The light shining through polyester film in the
cover art, Untitled, 2008 (detail) by artist Tara Donovan, evokes
the illumination of complex beauty, mirroring the endeavors of the
Cell community of readers, authors, reviewers, and editors.