2- Edition, Revised and Expanded. New York - Basel: Marcel Dekker
Inc., 2004. — 511 р.
Книга будет интересна в первую очередь хирургам, в т.ч.
хирургам-онкологам, ежедневно сталкивающимся с необходимостью
проводить оперативные вмешательства на брюшной полости с наложением
кишечных стом.
This edition contains two entirely new chapters, Pediatric
Intestinal Stomas and Technical Tips for the Difficult Stoma. The
first is a superb compilation of stomas in children used in the
treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease, imperforate anus, necrotizing
enterocolitis, and constipation. The second new chapter, Technical
Tips for the Difficult Stoma, covers solutions to age-old problems
of emergency stoma creation, particularly in obese patients with
inflammatory conditions leading to thickened and shortened
intestinal mesentery.
In addition, all remaining chapters have been revised, often by a new author in order to ensure a fresh approach. New, current references have been added to all chapters. A new section on endoscopically assisted trephine stomas has been added to the chapter Minimally Invasive Stomas.
New approaches to the treatment of stomal prolapse, parastomal heias, and peristomal pyoderma gangrenosum have also been included.
In addition, all remaining chapters have been revised, often by a new author in order to ensure a fresh approach. New, current references have been added to all chapters. A new section on endoscopically assisted trephine stomas has been added to the chapter Minimally Invasive Stomas.
New approaches to the treatment of stomal prolapse, parastomal heias, and peristomal pyoderma gangrenosum have also been included.