2nd ed. – Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002. – 608 pp. First published
The aim of this handbook is to provide a source of rapid ready reference to help in the often complex task of handling, using and disposing of chemicals safely and with minimum risk to people’s health or damage to facilities or to the environment.
General principles of chemistry1
Toxic chemicals
Flammable chemicals
Reactive chemicals
Compressed gases
Monitoring techniques
Radioactive chemicals
Safety by design
Transport of chemicals
Chemicals and the environment: sources and impact
Chemicals and the environment: monitoring and protection
Conversion tables and measurement data
Appendix: Selected UK legislation relevant to environmental protection and occupational health and safety in relation to chemicals
The aim of this handbook is to provide a source of rapid ready reference to help in the often complex task of handling, using and disposing of chemicals safely and with minimum risk to people’s health or damage to facilities or to the environment.
General principles of chemistry1
Toxic chemicals
Flammable chemicals
Reactive chemicals
Compressed gases
Monitoring techniques
Radioactive chemicals
Safety by design
Transport of chemicals
Chemicals and the environment: sources and impact
Chemicals and the environment: monitoring and protection
Conversion tables and measurement data
Appendix: Selected UK legislation relevant to environmental protection and occupational health and safety in relation to chemicals