BMJ Group, 2011. — 787 p. — ISBN: 978 0 85369 959 0.
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook).
Британский Национальный Формуляр лекарственных средств для детей
2011-2012 является уникальным изданием для работников
здравоохранения, объединяющим авторитетные, независимые
практические, клинически подтвержденные рекомендации о применении
лекарственных средств у детей, позволяющим выбрать наиболее
безопасное и эффективное лекарственное средство для каждого
конкретного ребенка.
The BNF for Children is for use by health professionals engaged in
prescribing, dispensing, and administering medicines to children.
It has been prepared under the guidance of the Paediatric Formulary
Committee. BNF for Children has been constructed using robust
procedures for gathering, assessing and assimilating information on
paediatric drug treatment. It is, however, expected that the reader
will be relying on appropriate professional nowledge and expertise
to interpret the contents in the context of the circumstances of
the individual child. BNF for Children should be used in
conjunction with other appropriate and up-to-date literature and,
where necessary, supplemented by expert advice. Information is also
available from Medicines Information Services (see inside front
cover). Special care is required in managing childhood conditions
with unlicensed medicines or with licensed medicines for unlicensed
uses. Responsibility for the appropriate use of medicines lies
solely with the individual health professional.