(Манфред А. Бон. Деградация молекулярной массы нитроцеллюлозы при
старении нитроцеллюлозных порохов. Оценка на основе моделей
случайных разрыва цепи).
Presentation on the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)
Insensitive Munitions and Energetic Materials Technology Symposium.
Document in pdf-format. 2012. – 38 p.
An example is presented of the ageing of a gun propellants (GP)
followed by molar mass decrease of the nitrocellulose (NC).
Motivations and Objectives.
Determination of NC chain length degradation.
How to use GPC results on NC degradation.
Not only NC polymer chain degradation.
Mean molar masses Mn, Mw, Mz and MMD-peak Mp as function of ageing.
Relative mean molar masses and MMD-peak Mp as function of ageing.
Choosing the type of temperature parameterization.
Motivations and Objectives.
Determination of NC chain length degradation.
How to use GPC results on NC degradation.
Not only NC polymer chain degradation.
Mean molar masses Mn, Mw, Mz and MMD-peak Mp as function of ageing.
Relative mean molar masses and MMD-peak Mp as function of ageing.
Choosing the type of temperature parameterization.