Thesis subrcitted in conformity with the requirements for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy
in the University of Toronto. Toronto: the manuscript, 1950. - 334 p.
This study has arisen from an Interest in a contemporary phenomenon—the extraordinary preoccupation of mode man with time and history. It Is a conce reflected everywhere in mode thought and art--In the production and the popularity of such grand syntheses and patteings of history as those of Spengler and Toynbee and in the historical materialism of the Marxists, in the rise of the history of ideas to its place of dominance in scholarship and the retu of a prophotic Intororotation and Judgement of histoiry in such theological writings as those of Berdyaev and Marjtain, Charles Ailliaroc and Tlilich; and finally in the persistent endeavoiir of mode creative artiats to define and express a sense of the pest end a sense of their own time. This thesis represents a late stage in the development of historlcal consciousness; it deals with an early phase In the same process.
in the University of Toronto. Toronto: the manuscript, 1950. - 334 p.
This study has arisen from an Interest in a contemporary phenomenon—the extraordinary preoccupation of mode man with time and history. It Is a conce reflected everywhere in mode thought and art--In the production and the popularity of such grand syntheses and patteings of history as those of Spengler and Toynbee and in the historical materialism of the Marxists, in the rise of the history of ideas to its place of dominance in scholarship and the retu of a prophotic Intororotation and Judgement of histoiry in such theological writings as those of Berdyaev and Marjtain, Charles Ailliaroc and Tlilich; and finally in the persistent endeavoiir of mode creative artiats to define and express a sense of the pest end a sense of their own time. This thesis represents a late stage in the development of historlcal consciousness; it deals with an early phase In the same process.