Cambridge University Press, Center for Interdisciplinary Plasma
Garching, 2002? 297 р.
1 Introduction
2 Magnetohydrodynamics
MHD equations
Dynamic equations
The rotating reference frame
Incompressibility and the Boussinesq approximation
Conservation laws
Fluid invariants
Magnetic invariants
Equilibrium configurations
Linear waves
Waves in a homogeneous magnetized system
Waves in a stratified system
Elsasser fields and Alfven time normalization
3 Transition to turbulence
Singularities of the ideal equations
FTS in the Euler equations
Formation of current sheets in ideal MHD
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
Rayleigh-Taylor instability
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a stratified medium
The tearing instability
4 Macroscopic turbulence theory
One-point closure
Reynolds equations for MHD
Turbulent transport coefficients
Large-eddy simulations of MHD turbulence
Mean-field electrodynamics
Self-organization processes
Selective decay
The Alfven effect and dynamic alignment
Energy-decay laws
5 Spectral properties and phenomenology
Homogeneous isotropic turbulence
Ideal systems and turbulent cascades
Absolute equilibrium states
Cascade directions
Spectra in dissipative MHD turbulence
Magnetic Reynolds numbers
Phenomenology of the inertial-range spectrum
Anisotropy of MHD turbulence
Dissipation scales
Energy spectra in highly aligned turbulence
Results of numerical simulations
6 Two-point-closure theory
Quasi-normal-type approximations
The problem of closure
The quasi-normal approximation
The eddy-damped quasi-normal Markovian approximation (EDQNM)
The EDQNM theory of MHD turbulence
Helical turbulence
Correlated turbulence
Shortcomings of closure approximations
7 Intcrmittency
Self-similarity versus intermiltency
Structure functions
Scaling exponents
Extended self-similarity (ESS)
The refined similarity hypothesis
Exact turbulence relations
Kolmogorov's four-fifths law
Yaglom's four-thirds law
The four-thirds law in MHD turbulence
Phenomenological models of intermittency 150
The log-normal model
The log-Poisson model
Intermittency in MHD turbulence
Log-Poisson models for MHD turbulence
The effect of the mean magnetic field
8 Two-dimensional turbulence
Two-dimensional hydrodynamic turbulence
Properties of the ideal system
The decay of enstrophy
The phenomenology of the dual cascade
The enstrophy cascade
The inverse energy cascade
Two-dimensional MHD turbulence
Properties of the ideal MHD system
Decay of 2D MHD turbulence
Spectra in 2D MHD turbulence
Intermittency in 2D MHD turbulence
9 Compressible turbulence and turbulent convection
MHD shock waves
Compressible homogeneous turbulence
Supersonic hydrodynamic turbulence
Supersonic MHD turbulence
Numerical methods in compressible hydrodynamics
Turbulent convection
Turbulence in a Boussinesq fluid
Passive scalar turbulence
Compressible turbulent convection
10 Turbulence in the solar wind
Mean properties of the solar wind
The hydrodynamic model of the solar wind
Effects of the solar magnetic field
Fast and slow winds
MHD fluctuations in the solar wind
Wave types and turbulence spectra
Intermittency in solar-wind turbulence
Dissipation of turbulence
Compressive fluctuations
11 Turbulence in accretion disks
Basic properties of accretion disks
The standard disk model
Keplerian disks
The a-disk model
Hydrodynamic stability of accretion disks
Shear-flow stability of a Keplerian disk
Effects of conveclive turbulence
Magnetorotational instability
Linear instability
Nonlinear saturation and magnetoviscosity
12 Interstellar turbulence
The main properties of the interstellar medium
Observational results on molecular clouds
Supersonic turbulence
Gravity in molecular clouds
The density spectrum and mass distribution
Magnetic fields
Stability of molecular clouds
The virial theorem
Ambipolar diffusion
Generation of turbulence in molecular clouds
Garching, 2002? 297 р.
1 Introduction
2 Magnetohydrodynamics
MHD equations
Dynamic equations
The rotating reference frame
Incompressibility and the Boussinesq approximation
Conservation laws
Fluid invariants
Magnetic invariants
Equilibrium configurations
Linear waves
Waves in a homogeneous magnetized system
Waves in a stratified system
Elsasser fields and Alfven time normalization
3 Transition to turbulence
Singularities of the ideal equations
FTS in the Euler equations
Formation of current sheets in ideal MHD
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
Rayleigh-Taylor instability
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a stratified medium
The tearing instability
4 Macroscopic turbulence theory
One-point closure
Reynolds equations for MHD
Turbulent transport coefficients
Large-eddy simulations of MHD turbulence
Mean-field electrodynamics
Self-organization processes
Selective decay
The Alfven effect and dynamic alignment
Energy-decay laws
5 Spectral properties and phenomenology
Homogeneous isotropic turbulence
Ideal systems and turbulent cascades
Absolute equilibrium states
Cascade directions
Spectra in dissipative MHD turbulence
Magnetic Reynolds numbers
Phenomenology of the inertial-range spectrum
Anisotropy of MHD turbulence
Dissipation scales
Energy spectra in highly aligned turbulence
Results of numerical simulations
6 Two-point-closure theory
Quasi-normal-type approximations
The problem of closure
The quasi-normal approximation
The eddy-damped quasi-normal Markovian approximation (EDQNM)
The EDQNM theory of MHD turbulence
Helical turbulence
Correlated turbulence
Shortcomings of closure approximations
7 Intcrmittency
Self-similarity versus intermiltency
Structure functions
Scaling exponents
Extended self-similarity (ESS)
The refined similarity hypothesis
Exact turbulence relations
Kolmogorov's four-fifths law
Yaglom's four-thirds law
The four-thirds law in MHD turbulence
Phenomenological models of intermittency 150
The log-normal model
The log-Poisson model
Intermittency in MHD turbulence
Log-Poisson models for MHD turbulence
The effect of the mean magnetic field
8 Two-dimensional turbulence
Two-dimensional hydrodynamic turbulence
Properties of the ideal system
The decay of enstrophy
The phenomenology of the dual cascade
The enstrophy cascade
The inverse energy cascade
Two-dimensional MHD turbulence
Properties of the ideal MHD system
Decay of 2D MHD turbulence
Spectra in 2D MHD turbulence
Intermittency in 2D MHD turbulence
9 Compressible turbulence and turbulent convection
MHD shock waves
Compressible homogeneous turbulence
Supersonic hydrodynamic turbulence
Supersonic MHD turbulence
Numerical methods in compressible hydrodynamics
Turbulent convection
Turbulence in a Boussinesq fluid
Passive scalar turbulence
Compressible turbulent convection
10 Turbulence in the solar wind
Mean properties of the solar wind
The hydrodynamic model of the solar wind
Effects of the solar magnetic field
Fast and slow winds
MHD fluctuations in the solar wind
Wave types and turbulence spectra
Intermittency in solar-wind turbulence
Dissipation of turbulence
Compressive fluctuations
11 Turbulence in accretion disks
Basic properties of accretion disks
The standard disk model
Keplerian disks
The a-disk model
Hydrodynamic stability of accretion disks
Shear-flow stability of a Keplerian disk
Effects of conveclive turbulence
Magnetorotational instability
Linear instability
Nonlinear saturation and magnetoviscosity
12 Interstellar turbulence
The main properties of the interstellar medium
Observational results on molecular clouds
Supersonic turbulence
Gravity in molecular clouds
The density spectrum and mass distribution
Magnetic fields
Stability of molecular clouds
The virial theorem
Ambipolar diffusion
Generation of turbulence in molecular clouds