Norwich, New York, Knovel 2003. – 460 p.
The assembly of the table of values for the heats of formation in the section on Thermochemistry in the Inteational Critical Tables was the first attempt ever made to collate all the published data involving heats of reaction and to prepare therefrom a self-consistent table of "best" values for the heats of formation of the chemical substances. The present book is a complete revision and extension of that original work, which was sponsored by the late Edward W. Washbu as Editor-in-Chief of the Inteational Critical Tables and carried out by one of the present authors (F. R. B.)
There are four main sections to the present book: (1), the introduction or explanatory part; (2), the table of heats of formation, which is the fruit of the work; (3), the text, in which the original published data are cited and discussed; and (4), the list of references to the literature, which includes references to all the published data bearing on thermochemistry.
Helium. Manganese
Chromium. Element 87
Helium. Element 85
Sulfur. Phosphorus
Arsenic. Carbon
Silicon. Cadmium
Mercury. Nickel
Cobalt. Gadolinium
Europium. Radium
Lithium. Sodium
Potassium. Element 87
Abel and Proisl. Knietsch
Knight and Rich . Zwicknagl
The assembly of the table of values for the heats of formation in the section on Thermochemistry in the Inteational Critical Tables was the first attempt ever made to collate all the published data involving heats of reaction and to prepare therefrom a self-consistent table of "best" values for the heats of formation of the chemical substances. The present book is a complete revision and extension of that original work, which was sponsored by the late Edward W. Washbu as Editor-in-Chief of the Inteational Critical Tables and carried out by one of the present authors (F. R. B.)
There are four main sections to the present book: (1), the introduction or explanatory part; (2), the table of heats of formation, which is the fruit of the work; (3), the text, in which the original published data are cited and discussed; and (4), the list of references to the literature, which includes references to all the published data bearing on thermochemistry.
Helium. Manganese
Chromium. Element 87
Helium. Element 85
Sulfur. Phosphorus
Arsenic. Carbon
Silicon. Cadmium
Mercury. Nickel
Cobalt. Gadolinium
Europium. Radium
Lithium. Sodium
Potassium. Element 87
Abel and Proisl. Knietsch
Knight and Rich . Zwicknagl