Connecticut: Episcopal Divinity School, 1993. — 76 p.
Бэйес Л. Латиноамериканская Теология Освобождения в экономическом и
историческом контексте: Путь самопознания Латинской Америки с 1960
г. до сего дня (на англ. яз.)
Orientation to Latin American Liberation Theology.
Meaning of Liberation.
Development, Ethics and History.
Consequence and Dynamic of Development: Dependency.
Conversion of the Church: Medellin's Impact.
Economic Realities in Latin America: 1980's—1990's.
Living Out Latin American Liberation Theology Today.
Orientation to Latin American Liberation Theology.
Meaning of Liberation.
Development, Ethics and History.
Consequence and Dynamic of Development: Dependency.
Conversion of the Church: Medellin's Impact.
Economic Realities in Latin America: 1980's—1990's.
Living Out Latin American Liberation Theology Today.