Коллектив авторов. — Taunton Press. 1997. — 112 с.
В книге 23 статьи из страниц журнала Fine Woodworking про спальную
мебель в разных стилях. Для каждого проекта кроватей и прочей
спальной мебели вы найдёте подробные инструкции по изготовлению,
чертежи, и цветные иллюстрации. В целом, вы найдете здесь всё,
чтобы украсить практически любую спальню, в каком бы стиле она ни
In these 23 articles from the pages of Fine Woodworking magazine, you'll see bedroom fuiture in a variety of styles. Pieces range from a graceful Queen Anne lowboy that serves as a dressing table to a spectacular sleigh bed. In between there are bureaus, tables, and a crib. In all, you'll find something here to grace just about any bedroom, whatever style it might be.
In these 23 articles from the pages of Fine Woodworking magazine, you'll see bedroom fuiture in a variety of styles. Pieces range from a graceful Queen Anne lowboy that serves as a dressing table to a spectacular sleigh bed. In between there are bureaus, tables, and a crib. In all, you'll find something here to grace just about any bedroom, whatever style it might be.