Hueber, 2008. - 32 pages. Level 1.
Книга адаптирована для словарного запаса 300 слов, что
соответствует приблизительно пятому классу общеобразовательной
школы с преподаванием английского языка как иностранного, или
первому году обучения. Цветные иллюстрации и упражнения (с
ответами). Аудиозапись и упражнения на слушание.
Gary Kent is a planespotter - he loves watching planes take off and
land. He knows all the planes, all the airlines and all the
flights. When Gary sees something strange at the airport one
afteoon, he tries to find out what the problem is. Soon he
realises that Flight PP401 to Los Angeles is in danger. Gary knows
he has to help - but who's going to listen to a thirteen-year-old
□ An exciting series of original fiction for leaers of English
from grade 5 onwards.
□ Accessible and engaging, with carefully graded language to suit different age groups and levels of competence in line with the curricula.
□ Structured comprehension, vocabulary and listening activities.
□ A stimulating variety of settings and storylines.
□ Audio CD with the complete text as well as specially chosen extracts for comprehension exercises.
□ Accessible and engaging, with carefully graded language to suit different age groups and levels of competence in line with the curricula.
□ Structured comprehension, vocabulary and listening activities.
□ A stimulating variety of settings and storylines.
□ Audio CD with the complete text as well as specially chosen extracts for comprehension exercises.