Thomson Heinle, 1997. — 112 р. — ISBN 1899396403, 1-899396-40-3.
Незаменимое пособие для учителя. Книга содержит готовый раздаточный
материал для групповых и индивидуальных занятий: карточки и
упражнения на отработку грамматических тем для уровня Intermediate.
В конце книги есть ключ ко всем заданиям. Изучение грамматики не
будет скучным!
This is the first in a series of photocopiable teacher's resource
books. Its simple methodology is designed to get leaers trying
out different structures before they write anything down, so
bridging the gap between passive and active knowledge of
The book contains 32 instant lessons at intermediate level; follow-up grammar homework for every lesson; and full instructions for teachers. Every lesson is designed to be easy to plan and set up and challenging communicative activities involve leaers in: working together to sequence stories and letters; reading out matching sentence heads and tails; rephrasing and completing each other's sentences; and actively listening for word grammar. Linking Phrases 1
Linking Phrases 2
Important Expressions
Adding Grammar 1
Adding Grammar 2
Adding Grammar 3
Adding Grammar 4
Adjective + Preposition
Verb + Preposition
Noun + Preposition
Noun Collocations 1
Noun Collocations 2
Conditionals Type 1
Conditionals Type 2
Conditionals Type 3
Conditionals Mixed
Modal Verbs 1
Modal Verbs 2
Reported Speech
Reporting Verbs
Sentence Transformations 1
Sentence Transformations 2
Sentence Transformations 3
Sentence Completion 1
Sentence Completion 2
Gerund or Infinitive
Clause Completion
Make and Do
Give and Take
Have and Get
Prepositional Phrases
Phrasal Verbs Пример страницы
The book contains 32 instant lessons at intermediate level; follow-up grammar homework for every lesson; and full instructions for teachers. Every lesson is designed to be easy to plan and set up and challenging communicative activities involve leaers in: working together to sequence stories and letters; reading out matching sentence heads and tails; rephrasing and completing each other's sentences; and actively listening for word grammar. Linking Phrases 1
Linking Phrases 2
Important Expressions
Adding Grammar 1
Adding Grammar 2
Adding Grammar 3
Adding Grammar 4
Adjective + Preposition
Verb + Preposition
Noun + Preposition
Noun Collocations 1
Noun Collocations 2
Conditionals Type 1
Conditionals Type 2
Conditionals Type 3
Conditionals Mixed
Modal Verbs 1
Modal Verbs 2
Reported Speech
Reporting Verbs
Sentence Transformations 1
Sentence Transformations 2
Sentence Transformations 3
Sentence Completion 1
Sentence Completion 2
Gerund or Infinitive
Clause Completion
Make and Do
Give and Take
Have and Get
Prepositional Phrases
Phrasal Verbs Пример страницы