Книга написана большим коллективом авторов под руководством одного
редактора. Методы и принципы описываемые в книге находятся на стыке
дисциплин - биоинформатики, медицины, гистологии и анатомии. Но
основная информация все же больше характеризует морфологию
микромира с позиций математики. Будет полезна аспирантам,
магистрантам и студентам, занимающимся изучением количественных
характеристик ЦНС.
Neuroanatomy constitutes a central aspect of neuroscience, and the continuous growth of affordable computer power makes it possible to model and integrate the enormous complexity of neuroanatomy. It is not surprising that computational neuroanatomy research projects are stirring considerable interest in the scientific community. Computational Neuroanatomy: Principles and Methods is the first comprehensive volume discussing the principles and describing the methods of computational approaches to neuroanatomy.
Neuroanatomy constitutes a central aspect of neuroscience, and the continuous growth of affordable computer power makes it possible to model and integrate the enormous complexity of neuroanatomy. It is not surprising that computational neuroanatomy research projects are stirring considerable interest in the scientific community. Computational Neuroanatomy: Principles and Methods is the first comprehensive volume discussing the principles and describing the methods of computational approaches to neuroanatomy.