Учебник. — М.: РГГУ, 2013. — 256 с.
Учебник для направлений подготовки «Журналистика» «Лингвистика»
«Международные отношения» «Политология» «Реклама и связи с
общественностью» «Зарубежное регионоведение».
Структура предлагаемого учебника и логика изложения материала в нем
позволяют студентам успешно овладеть такими практическими
англоязычными умениями, как построение самостоятельного
высказывания с использованием соответствующих убеждающих стратегий
и применение корректных смысловых и связующих средств риторического
воздействия. Учебник поможет студентам повысить их уровень общего
образования и риторической культуры.
Для студентов гуманитарных направлений неязыковых факультетов высших учебных заведений. There are at least five reasons why you should buy Three "P" Rhetoric.
Chapter One offers you a historical review of rhetoric stimulating your interest to public speaking, persuasion, and argumentation.
Chapters Two and Three include some new research findings about political and presidential rhetoric with a spécial emphasis on the ways rhetorical presidency develops and modem présidents communicate.
Supplementary Material represents presidential speeches with a rhetorical analysis applied to most of them, which keep the reading interesting and help you to understand and interpret a broad range of sensés implied.
An elaborated system of exercises gives you the chance to obtain skills in différent types of reading (for information, for summary, for independent thinking) including skimming and scanning.
In the Speaking Section you will find helpful tasks for public speaking, arguing, persuading and communicating better.
Для студентов гуманитарных направлений неязыковых факультетов высших учебных заведений. There are at least five reasons why you should buy Three "P" Rhetoric.
Chapter One offers you a historical review of rhetoric stimulating your interest to public speaking, persuasion, and argumentation.
Chapters Two and Three include some new research findings about political and presidential rhetoric with a spécial emphasis on the ways rhetorical presidency develops and modem présidents communicate.
Supplementary Material represents presidential speeches with a rhetorical analysis applied to most of them, which keep the reading interesting and help you to understand and interpret a broad range of sensés implied.
An elaborated system of exercises gives you the chance to obtain skills in différent types of reading (for information, for summary, for independent thinking) including skimming and scanning.
In the Speaking Section you will find helpful tasks for public speaking, arguing, persuading and communicating better.