ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского, Нижний Новгород, Преподаватель -
Отделкина О.И., Факультет - Юридический, Специальность -
Юриспруденция, 2014 г., 8 стр. Предмет - Английский язык в сфере
Delegation of power in the United States
The govement of cities in the US
Local govement
Local govement of England and Wales
Police service in the United Kingdom
The scope of the family law
The contract of marriage
Marriage as a contract
The scope of parental rights and duties
Delegation of power in the United States
The govement of cities in the US
Local govement
Local govement of England and Wales
Police service in the United Kingdom
The scope of the family law
The contract of marriage
Marriage as a contract
The scope of parental rights and duties