Amateur Photographer - еженедельный британский журнал по
фотографии. Он информирует о методах и технических средствах работы
фотографа и рассказывает о фотографах-профессионалах.
In this issue:
Zeiss Milvus lens range
Andy Westlake looks at the six new Zeiss Milvus lenses for full-frame DSLRs
Capture the moment
Mark Littlejohn explains how shooting at f/5.6 has produced some of his favourite images
When Harry met…
Margaret Thatcher. In the fi rst of a new series, Harry Borden looks back at his most famous images
APOY Round 7
Your chance to enter the fi nal round of APOY 2015: Black & White
Wildlife watch
David Tipling on how best to photograph otters
Colour profile
Photojoualist John Bulmer talks about his career and recent book
Expert advice and top tips on improving your pictures from Damien Demolder
Canon XC10
Richard Sibley puts this video camera that takes good-resolution still images to the test
Olympus M.Zuiko 8mm Fisheye f/1.8 PRO
Olympus bills this as the brightest lens of its type. Andy Westlake tries it out
Regulars: 7 days ― Inbox ― Reader Portfolio ― Accessories ― Technical support ― Final analysis
In this issue:
Zeiss Milvus lens range
Andy Westlake looks at the six new Zeiss Milvus lenses for full-frame DSLRs
Capture the moment
Mark Littlejohn explains how shooting at f/5.6 has produced some of his favourite images
When Harry met…
Margaret Thatcher. In the fi rst of a new series, Harry Borden looks back at his most famous images
APOY Round 7
Your chance to enter the fi nal round of APOY 2015: Black & White
Wildlife watch
David Tipling on how best to photograph otters
Colour profile
Photojoualist John Bulmer talks about his career and recent book
Expert advice and top tips on improving your pictures from Damien Demolder
Canon XC10
Richard Sibley puts this video camera that takes good-resolution still images to the test
Olympus M.Zuiko 8mm Fisheye f/1.8 PRO
Olympus bills this as the brightest lens of its type. Andy Westlake tries it out
Regulars: 7 days ― Inbox ― Reader Portfolio ― Accessories ― Technical support ― Final analysis