Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2010. — 419 p.
Монография посвящена разработке новых методов анализа ЭЭГ в
клинических целях. В первой части рассматривается математический
аппарат, включая вейвлет-анализ, динамический хаос и методы
классификации. Во второй исследуется приложение этих методов к
задаче диагностики эпилепсии. Третья часть посвящена применению
этих методов к диагностике болезни Альцгеймера. В четвёртой части
рассмотрен новый подход к построению нейросетей, а также приложение
его к медицинским задачам. Для разработчиков методов и алгоритмов
анализа биомедицинской информации, а также для врачей
соответствующих специальностей (неврология и функциональная
Basic Concepts
Time-Frequency Analysis: Wavelet Transforms
Chaos Theory
Classifier Designs
Automated EEG-Based Diagnosis of Epilepsy. Electroencephalograms and Epilepsy
Analysis of EEGs in an Epileptic Patient Using Wavelet Transform
Wavelet-Chaos Methodology for Analysis of EEGs and EEG Sub-Bands
Mixed-Band Wavelet-Chaos Neural Network Methodology
Principal Component Analysis-Enhanced Cosine Radial Basis Function Neural Network
Automated EEG-Based Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s Disease and Models of Computation: Imaging, Classification, and Neural Models
Alzheimer’s Disease: Models of Computation and Analysis of EEGs
A Spatio-Temporal Wavelet-Chaos Methodology for EEG Based Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Third Generation Neural Networks: Spiking Neural Networks. Spiking Neural Networks: Spiking Neurons and Leaing Algorithms
Improved Spiking Neural Networks with Application to EEG Classification and Epilepsy and Seizure Detection
A New Supervised Leaing Algorithm for Multiple Spiking Neural Networks
Applications of Multiple Spiking Neural Networks: EEG Classification and Epilepsy and Seizure Detection
The Future
Basic Concepts
Time-Frequency Analysis: Wavelet Transforms
Chaos Theory
Classifier Designs
Automated EEG-Based Diagnosis of Epilepsy. Electroencephalograms and Epilepsy
Analysis of EEGs in an Epileptic Patient Using Wavelet Transform
Wavelet-Chaos Methodology for Analysis of EEGs and EEG Sub-Bands
Mixed-Band Wavelet-Chaos Neural Network Methodology
Principal Component Analysis-Enhanced Cosine Radial Basis Function Neural Network
Automated EEG-Based Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s Disease and Models of Computation: Imaging, Classification, and Neural Models
Alzheimer’s Disease: Models of Computation and Analysis of EEGs
A Spatio-Temporal Wavelet-Chaos Methodology for EEG Based Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Third Generation Neural Networks: Spiking Neural Networks. Spiking Neural Networks: Spiking Neurons and Leaing Algorithms
Improved Spiking Neural Networks with Application to EEG Classification and Epilepsy and Seizure Detection
A New Supervised Leaing Algorithm for Multiple Spiking Neural Networks
Applications of Multiple Spiking Neural Networks: EEG Classification and Epilepsy and Seizure Detection
The Future