Оценка и оценочная деятельность
Финансово-экономические дисциплины
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  • добавлен 14 января 2012 г.
Loeffler M. Investing in Rent-to-Own Property: A Complete Guide for Canadian Real Estate Investors
John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd., 2010. – 195 pages.

In the pages that follow, you will discover the rent-to-own system that I have tweaked and perfected throughout my real estate investing career. I will explain the process, and why rent to own truly is the best investment vehicle for both new and seasoned investors. In low economies, such as the one we were experiencing in mid-2009 as I completed work on the book, rent to own is, in effect, recession-proof. You will see why, as we go along, that with my rent-to-own system you will receive positive cash flow month after month, regardless of the movements of the markets or the economy.
The material is organized in a step-by-step manner, with checklists or review sections at the end of each chapter for handy quick reference. Also, you will find a section at the back of the book with references and websites to help you get going as quickly and smoothly as possible. By the time you tu that last page, you can confidently begin the process of rent-to-own real estate investing, knowing you are backed by a proven system that was forged not only from my successes, but also from my mistakes.
A small portion of the knowledge I am about to share was discovered as I found success, but the vast majority of it I discovered while scrutinizing my failures. The old adage rings true here, but it is worth the ink to emphasize the point: a smart man leas from his mistakes, but a wise (and, in this case, wealthy) man leas from the mistakes of others. Lea from my mistakes, follow the system to the letter and you will find success with my proven rent-to-own strategy.
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